
On this page are a list of "tools" that I use to help me with the running of this site and general life development.

There is nothing on this page that I don't use.

As part of my disclaimer and to help showcase full transparency and honesty, please note that many of the links contain affiliate links, which means I will receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase something. This will help with the running and maintenance of this site at no extra cost to you.

Some of the links might actually give you a special offer or cashback if you do sign up to a particular service. Regardless of that, do not purchase anything unless you think it's useful for you. A deal is not a deal if you don't need it.

That said, I would also prefer it if you purchase from your local dealer where possible e.g. books from your local bookseller . Even though many of the affiliate links are pointing to the likes of Amazon, diversify your shopping locations as much as you can, particularly with your local businesses.

With that in mind, below are what I use on a regular basis for work and for life purposes:



1. Ghost logo

In the past, I have used and Webflow, but then decided to move to to use as my content management system and to host this website.

Check out Ghost here

Related: Why I moved from WordPress to Webflow to Ghost

2. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code logo

Whether it's for my front-end development journey to better improve my knowledge on HTML, CSS or JavaScript, or I needed to make some basic code editing, VS Code is my #1 coding platform of choice.

Check out VS Code here

3. Proton

Proton logo

As much as I can, I try to look after how my data is used (which is ironic, considering that I use data to help me with my job) and take privacy seriously. I'm a believer of not enforcing mass data gathering, particularly without consent. This is a big reason why I use Proton for my emails (personal and business), calendar, VPN, and cloud storage, as they have a strong privacy pledge while also offering fantastic service and support.

Check out Proton here*

4. Fathom Analytics

Fathom Analytics logo

To continue with my privacy pledge, I have removed also Google Analytics from my site, even though it's a platform that I have used and known for other a decade.

In order to best understand why my audience doing but also respect their privacy, I use Fathom Analytics to monitor site performance.

Check out Fathom Analytics here*

5. Genius Link

Geniuslink logo

In order to manage my affiliate links, I use Genius Link who also help with localisation side of those links too.

Check out Genius Link here*

6. Trello

Trello logo

With all the platforms that are available right now, the longstanding Trello is still my favourite place to plan, organise and execute my projects using the Kanban style of project management.

Check out Trello here*

7. Canva

Canva logo

With various graphics to be created, Canva has been my go-to platform for many years to help with the creation and editing of graphics. And their AI features have also been very helpful into automating and speeding up the process.

Check out Canva here

8. Keeper Password Manager

Keeper logo

I am a huge advocate of using a password manager to store and create ultra strong passwords. As a paying customer of Keeper, I know it is protected there provided you have an even stronger master password to store them in.

Check out Keeper here*

9. 2FAS Auth

2FAS Auth logo

To strengthen the login details further, 2-factor authentication is a critical part of my online security. What I particularly love about 2FAS Auth is that it's an open source tool where it provides full transparency of what is going on behind the scenes.

Check out 2FAS Auth here

10. Virgin Media Broadband

Virgin Media logo

You can't run a website and access the online world without the internet, right? I currently use Virgin Media's M200 Fibre Broadband to meet those needs.

Check out Virgin Media here*

Books [Updated 17th June 2024]

Below are what I'm currently reading, be it on paperback, hardback or using my Kobo* (and yes, I do love reading multiple books at the same time):